Big Seance Podcast

184 - QAnon and the Spiritual and Wellness Communities - Big Seance



  How and why has QAnon, the domestic terrorist cult, infected the spiritual and wellness communities? Ash Riley and Brian Smith return for a panel discussion on the topic, as well as hitting on things like prosperity gospel, law of attraction, mental illness, racism, narcissism, grieving, empathy, and apophenia. Plus holding influencers accountable, pulling people back, and lots of resources! Visit for more info.   Other Listening Options Direct Download Link   In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:01 Context and Background (USA Today) 1:42 Why QAnon Infected the Spiritual and Wellness Communities ( 3:52 A new “Triangle Table” discussion with Ash Riley of and Brian Smith, author of Grief 2 Growth and host and producer of the Grief 2 Growth Podcast at Ash and Brian appeared together recently in episode 172, where the topic was Spiritual Bypassing. 7:53 “How can you go out and say that you’re this love and light person and th