
Episode 199: Karmic Justice



Dan Savage is back and talks with Eli Sanders and Katie Herzog about a couple of uplifting political stories for a change! Then it’s right back into our nation’s Trump-directed tailspin, which this week features new lows from kakistocrats Ben Carson and Ken Cuccinelli. After that, Rich Smith checks in on how Nancy Pelosi’s go-slow strategy on impeachment is looking this week, now that Trump’s throwing tantrums and holding America’s infrastructure hostage until she stops all House investigations. And we listen to a demand for a correction from a Boomer who has a bone to pick with the expert on Old People Power we had on last week’s show. Finally, Jasmyne Keimig and Chase Burns talk about the Yeehaw Agenda, Orville Peck, and Lavender Country. Plus, as always, the music of Ahamefule J. Oluo.