Muse Ecology

#1 Ecosystem Restoration Camps, an Idea Takes Root



The Ecosystem Restoration Camps movement has begun with the pilot camp in the Altiplano of southern Spain.  In this episode I visit the camp to hear from the resident restoration volunteers and the land owner, Alfonso Chico de Guzman, cofounder of the Alvelal initiative. Links: Find out more and become a supporting member of the Ecosystem Restoration Camps at   You can find scholarly work and films of John Liu at  Find out more about the AlVeLal Association at At you can set up Ecosia as your search engine where your searches pay for trees for restoration projects around the world. The banjo bird jam in the intro and outro was recorded in the woods by nature artist Michael DiGiorgio.  If you'd like to order a CD of this album he says to email him at the contact on his website,  You can find more of Jo's acoustic music at You can find more of Ides' experimental electronic music at Resident volunteers in a phone meeting with an expert consultant   Alfonso showing me on of the many construction projects o