Muse Ecology

#2 Global Landscapes Forum II, Economy and Landscape Restoration



In Part 2 of Episode 2, we hear some voices of folks who are working to bridge the world of global finance with the preservation and restoration of ecological function.   Caroline van Leenders is the Senior Policy Advisor of Greening Finance at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency.  She facilttes community of practice groups for investors to help them move their money to more benficial projects.  She is also a writer and advocate of regenerative economic system change.   Nanno Kleiterp is chair of the &Green Fund, which funds projects that show how highly productive commodity agriculture can be done in a way that protects ad restores forests, peatlands, and human livelihoods.   Jan Willem den Besten is the Senior Expert of Ecosystems and Climate for the Dutch national committee of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the world's largest environmental organization.  Its vision is a just world that values and conserves nature.   Michael DiGiorgio recorded the banjo-bird jams I'm using in