Doha Heat

Ep. 14 Urban Indian Kitchen



Set underground in people’s homes or in mysterious venues classed as ‘pop up kitchens’, guests have the chance to fraternise with strangers and enjoy all the food prepared according to the evening’s menu. The SUPPER CLUB is here and you’ll LOVE IT!!!!!!! Irum Asraf was born and raised in the North East of England, in the Untied Kingdom. She comes from a family of 7, fourth in line from a family of 5 siblings. Her mother was a selftaught cook having spent her childhood and early teenage years in the Punjab district of Pakistan, moving to Britain 35 years ago. Irum’s father on the other hand came from Amritsar in the Punjab district of India, and moved to the UK in the early 50’s. He lived in a house with several other bachelors from‘back home’ and took on an active role as the house cook.