Talk to Your Pharmacist

Ready Prescription Pricing with RxRevu's Carm Huntress



In this episode, our guest is Carm Huntress who co-founded RxRevu with the mission to create a more seamless, cost-effective prescribing experience for patients and providers. Since 2013, Carm has helped develop the industry’s leading Prescription Decision Support solution, which allows providers to select appropriate medication options for their patients. By working closely with physicians, health plans, IT vendors, and health systems, RxRevu is driving informed decision-making and better patient care. Carm brings more than 20 years of experience in startups focused on consumer and enterprise technology. Prior to founding RxRevu, Carm served as chief technology officer at Reef Partners and Audiogon. At a national level, he has played a key role in supporting data interoperability through the development of the FHIR standards and other projects with the Office of National Coordinator (ONC). Carm is a passionate thought leader who has presented at dozens of healthcare innovation conferences (HLTH, AHIP, He