
STCPod #83 - A Little Leftover Talk



We're all getting over illnesses of some sortAn early show opening for a changeSpecial guest introductionA brief history on the creation of The Leftover BitsClearing the air on who really burps on showsSuper Mario SunshineThe editing process of The Leftover BitsBiblical & Theological Studies and what to do after you graduate with thatBumpers vs Buffers and which should it be?Nintendo 3DS talk and waiting for the next Nintendo systemHow prices vary out in WinnipegSuper Mario Maker#1Console ChallengeIs there joy in playing handheld games?When thrifters don't leave anything for other peopleBill's massive yardsale weekendJoe's 80's Toy Show pickupsRevisiting some Barrie Game Exchange awkwardness for BillFramemeister talkWhat's doing with workTaking your time watching tvTrying to explain BansheeRecommending Halo to Joe Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: