
STCPod #97 - Bloody Pee, Party Etiquette and Squatty Potty



After two weeks apart, the boys are back together live!  They try to figure out what proper BBQ etiquette is, why is Joe's urine bloody, what should their YouTube content contain,  video games they're ashamed to never have played, white chest hairs and squatting while going to the bathroom.  Enjoy! Back together live after two weeks apartBill misses Joe's work pool party5 days of burger and corn with Bill on vacationTrying to figure out what the proper BBQ etiquette isShow openJoe's peeing bloodBack to buying Transformers for JoeArguing about what should and shouldn't be on our YouTube channelJoe answers being tagged with "5 Video Games I'm Ashamed To Never Have Played"Was Bill wrong to not have called Joe about a game that he needs?Joe discovers white chest hairs and contemplates waxingBill's Nintendo yard sale storyCongrats to Hodgey's Barrie Game Exchange tables selling outSquatting while going to the bathroomThoughts on Ben-Hur being remadeWestWorld premiere date is setThoughts on Season 1 of Preache