
STCPod #120 - Grinding Through A Legion in Stardew Valley



Listen as Bill gets critical on Joe's head. Find out if we got any play on Valentine's Day. Why is Joe "grinding" on the forums? What did Joe do for the very first time? And much, much more....enjoy!       Bill critiques Joe's melon What we did for Valentine's Day Grinding on the Cartridge Club forums to level up The Barrie Game Exchange Joe buys his first ever digital download game More NES Classic hunting Joe gets recognized 15 years later Loving some new TV shows; Legion and Santa Clarita Diet SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT   Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision   Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: http://stcpod.po