
STCPod #189 - Concert Date Night



The boys are back this week and attempt to record an episode with a new device but are unable to figure it out.  Bill finds out more about Joe growing up Italian and when he decided he was done with hair.  Joe can't remember who Bob Balaban is.  For some reason Bill remembers a story about Milton Berle's "big package".  More Chicago Con talk.  Joe goes to a yard sale and gets thrown up on.  Find out how Bill likes to take his men on a date night.  Enjoy! ----> Discuss this episode on our forumSUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: Podcast URL: http://stcpo