
STCPod #216 - Ding Dong....You're Dead!



Totally nailed the title for this episode!  We give our thoughts on Polypill winning the Cartridge Club Podcast of the Year Award.  Bill tries to explain why Red Dead Demption 2 is too slow for him.  Masturbation talk.  Bill spends more money and gets a security door bell even though he always told Joe not to get one.  Joe explains why you should watch Ozark in one sentence.  Why does the name Sad Hill ring a bell for Bill?  Bill goes crazy and has to buy a certain pair of socks, and we give our thoughts on the Golden Globes.  Enjoy! ----> Discuss this episode on our forum SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT ​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: http://www.stit