
STCPod #222 - Attacking From Land, Air and Space



Joe runs into some more male genitalia at his gym locker room again.  Bill rents Ace Combat 7 and thinks he is Tom Cruise.  The VR nerds play some more Star Trek using the original series bridge.  The QDawgs visit Joe in his dreams. Joe grabs the new Transformers Optimus Prime reissue.  Bill is angry with his local Value Village.  Find out how Bill finally got his recycling bins back.  What did Joe do on Family Day weekend and we answer some listener questions.  Enjoy! ----> Discuss this episode on our forum SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT ​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: Podcast URL: http://stcpod.pod