
STCPod #223 - Blowing You Like A Hurricane



Joe braves hurricane winds and proves he is better than other people by cleaning up after the wind spilled garbage in his neighborhood and yet still finds time to make it in for this record.  Bill wonders why Joe didn't check up on him after a massive highway shutdown after an accident.  Thoughts on the Transformers Optimus Prime reissue.  Joe spends 2 hours upgrading his modem  and wonders why it took him so long to finally play a Persona game. We argue over sleeping etiquette.  Collecting a complete N64 collection. This week's POS.  Retro Pixel;s latest.  Bill grabs a Voltron box set.  All this and much more! Enjoy! ----> Discuss this episode on our forum SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT ​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: https://itunes