Research Insights, A Society Of Actuaries Podcast

SOA 2021 ImpACT Conference Preview



After careful consideration, the Society of Actuaries has decided to switch the in-person portion of the 2021 ImpACT Conference to an entirely virtual event, taking place online from October 25-29, 2021. This change was made with the health and safety of attendees, presenters and exhibitors as our primary goal. Please see the SOA 2021 ImpACT Conference page for the updated list of virtual sessions. If you have any questions, please contact . Listen to the SOA strategic research program managers discuss the SOA 2021 ImpACT Conference with host, R. Dale Hall, FSA, CERA, MAAA, CFA, SOA Managing Director of Research. SOA strategic research program managers featured are as follows: Rob Montgomery, ASA, MAAA, FLMI, Consultant - Research Project Manager, Manager of the Catastrophe and Climate Strategic Research Program Achilles Natsis, FSA, MAAA, FLMI, Health Research Actuary, Manager of the Health Care Cost Trends Strategic Research Program David Schraub, FSA,MAAA,CERA, Senior Practice Research Actuary