Environmental Professionals Postulating

Ep 002 - Advice for starting an Environmental Business



In this episode of Environmental Professionals Postulating, Steven is joined by Laura Franklin of start-up Management Consultancy Sovenco. If you have ever considered starting your own Environmental Consultancy or Business, to redirect the money you are making for your directors back in to your own pocket, then this episode is for you. Find out more about Sovenco and their unique Social Enterprise Management Consultancy model by visiting their website: www.sovenco.com  For extra resources to help you get started on running your own environmental consultancy, click here. ---------- Join the discussion on the environmental professionals postulating facebook group.  All episodes coupled with (quite frankly utterly bizarre) computer generated transcripts, and the option to leave comments on each episode are available on the Environmental Professionals Postulating website www.epppodcast.com.  For anything else I can be contacted via email at steven@epppodcast.com . I don't ask for donations, or advertise, if you'v