Environmental Professionals Postulating

Ep 007 - Brexit and Environmental Law



Luke & Steven discuss some potential impacts of the United Kingdom exit from the European Union, specifically with regard to managing environmental issues across the UK. There's no denying that the majority of current UK environmental law has come down from the European Union (EU).  The EU has introduced policies and laws dealing with all sorts of wide reaching issues, the UK Environmental Law Association gives the examples of industrial and agricultural pollution, waste, water quality, air quality, nature conservation, environmental damage and climate change.   Luke and Steven cover aspects such as the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the Common Fisheries Policy, and the Paris Agreement. ---------- Join the discussion on the environmental professionals postulating facebook group.  All episodes coupled with (quite frankly utterly bizarre) computer generated transcripts, and the option to leave comments on each episode are available on the Environmental Professionals Postulating website www.epppodcast.com