Muscle for Life

Menno Henselmans on the Science of Self-Control



In this podcast, I chat with Menno Henselmans all about the science of self-control and willpower. Menno just released a book called The Science of Self-Control, which is an evidence-based look at willpower and how to be more productive. This isn’t your typical self-help book either, filled with anecdote and fluff. It’s more like a textbook in the sense that it references over 500 scientific papers while giving you practical tips on boosting your self-control. Menno’s book will help anyone understand what self-control is, and how you can boost yours so that you can better stick to a diet, work smarter (not harder), and simply put, be better. In this interview, Menno and I discuss the two-system theory of self-control, the causes of willpower depletion, simple tips to boost your focus (including taking imaginary breaks!), and a whole lot more, only scratching the surface of what’s in his book. Menno has been a repeat guest on my podcast, but in case you’re not familiar with him, he’s a former business consulta