Food Proof

EP #30 - One Week on Chef AJ's Ultimate Weight Loss Program



On this week's episode, Noor is joined by her husband, Michael from the Two Broke Watch Snobs podcast. They talk about their experience on Chef AJ's Ultimate Weight Loss Program. Chef AJ's program is based on the concept of calorie density and eating a clean unprocessed plant-based whole foods diet - even excluding salt, oil, and of course sugar. It's been almost one week on this program and they have some difficulties, some wins, and some tips to share. Join them as they discuss this lifestyle plan that allows you to eat more and weigh less! Links to Share: (1) The Secret's to Ultimate Weight loss book: (2) Chef AJ's Ultiimate Weight Loss Program: (3)Chef AJ's Video What 400 Calories of each food looks like: (4) California Balsamic: (5) Noor's Pantry Clean-Up: