The Real Truth About You - William Sinclair Helps You To Uncover The Most Amazing Version Of You

32 Awareness And Meditation At The Beginning Of Your Journey and an AMAZING Caesar Salad Recipe



I’m really excited about the new format of the podcast. Personally, I find it more entertaining yet it still contains heart. In today’s podcast I share a story about doing something so off the wall, for me, but it worked out great. I also share a letter that I sent to my cousin in England about awareness and meditation especially at the start of your journey. I also have a simple tip about how to keep your kitchen cutting knives sharp AND….wait for it…. an absolutely AMAZING Caesar Salad recipe that will quickly become your secret recipe as people beg you to bring it to every pot luck and family gathering you attend! (By the way the missing measurement for the oil is ½ a cup of the oil. I list it on the download but forgot the measurement on the podcast). – Smiles! You can download the recipe and the “letter to my cousin” from the website:  Go to Episode 32. Join me in today’s podcast...