Cbt Radio

Reactive Attachment Disorder



This episode is primarily relevant to consumers and professionals. In this episode, R. Trent Codd, III, Ed.S. interviews Marolyn Morford, PhD about Reactive Attachment Disorder. Specifically, they discuss: What Reactive Attachment Disorder is  Difficulties with the RAD Diagnosis  What Attachment is  The weak relationship between attachment treatment and attachment research  The dangers associated with many of the “specialized” treatments for RAD  “Thinking Errors” that lead clinicians and parents to make faulty conclusions about extreme behavior problems  Effective treatments for extreme behavior problems  MAROLYN MORFORD, PhD BIOGRAPHY Marolyn Morford is a clinical and developmental psychologist with over 25 years of experience working with individuals in a variety of contexts.  Dr. Morford is past president of the Central Pennsylvania Psychological Association, a member of the American Psychological Association’s Division 53 (Clinical Child Psychology), Pennsylvania Psychological Association’s (PPA ) Com