2 Minute Talk Tips

Episode 13 -- Sit in Back and The Fear of Public Speaking



This week's Tip: Sit in the back of the room   Before you start your presentation, and before your audience enters the room, display your most complex slide, and sit in the back row.  Then sit in a few other places in the room. Your goal is to make sure you can see and read your slides from all points in the audience. You actually need to sit in the chairs to get the angles right and understand exactly what the audience sees. If your slides aren't legible, or you encounter other things that make it tough to consume and experience your presentation, you have time to fix them before you start. It's all because you literally put yourself in the place of the audience.   Post Tip Discussion:   It's almost cliché now for a Public Speaking tip site to repeat the claim that people are more afraid of public speaking than they are of dying.  Is Public Speaking really so terrifying that people would rather die than give a speech?  No. That claim comes from a frequently misquoted study from 1973. You can read more about