2 Minute Talk Tips

Episode 029: Use a Lavalier and Learn from Star Trek: Discovery



2 Minute Tip: How to Use a Lavalier   A lavalier, or "lav," is a small microphone a speaker will clip to their blouse, shirt, tie, collar, or jacket. That microphone usually connects to a battery pack/radio transmitter the speaker wears on their belt or waist. Usually the sound quality isn't quite as good as a high quality hand held mic, but it can still be excellent. I like using a lav because of the freedom it gives me to use my hand and move around the stage.   Here are 3 tips to make most effective use of a lav.   Turn from the waist, not the neck, when you want to look at something. Otherwise your volume level will fluctuate widely. Run the cord from the battery pack inside your clothes. This way there is no unsightly wire dangling in front of you, and you are less likely to accidentally yank it off. Always assume your lav is turned on.  Even if it's not broadcasting to the room, it may still be broadcasting to the sound tech. This can be embarrassing if you have a private conversation or visit the lava