2 Minute Talk Tips

Episode 036 -- Let it Go and Road Trip!



2-Minute Tip: Let it Go   When things start to go wrong, our instinct is often to panic and make a split second decision to stop whatever is falling, crashing, or coming apart at the seams. Often this is the wrong instinct. Instead, let it go, take a moment to assess the situation, and then recover. When you can do this with confidence both you and your audience will be more comfortable, and you can recover more quickly.   Post Tip Discussion: Road Trip!   Preparing a presentation is a lot like preparing for a road trip. Both processes have at least 6 steps in common:   Decide where to go. Brainstorm ideas for the journey. Consult with experts. Confirm and secure resources. Finalize your plan Allow for side trips.   Call To Action:   Do you have any good road trip stories? Have you used one in a presentation? Tell us about it in the comments below. If you like this or other episodes, please encourage a friend, colleague, or relative to subscribe in their favorite podcast app. Next time things go sideways,