2 Minute Talk Tips

Episode 037 -- Be Thankful and Structure Your Talk



2-Minute Tip: Be Thankful   As we begin Thanksgiving week here in the US, it's a good time to think about being thankful as speakers. And not just to the universe or deity(ies) of your choice. While speaki9ng may seem like a solitary activity where we are on stage or at the front of a conference room by ourselves, there are a lot of other people involved in our talks, including:   SMEs Editors Event/Meeting Organizers AV folks Event Hosts Family and Friends we inflict our practice upon Our Audience     Take a moment before, during, or after your talk to thank the folks who contributed.   Post Tip Discussion: Structure Your Talk   Have you ever sat through a talk that just seemed to ramble on? It probably lacked structure. The structure of a talk is basically an intelligent outline. Start by defining your goal or Call To Action. Then identify the points or topics that support that goal. Then identify the points, evidence, and stories that support those main points.   There are 8 main reasons why structure ma