2 Minute Talk Tips

Episode 084 -- Control the Lights and 9 Ways to Get More Speaking Time



2-Minute Tip: Control the Lights   An important part of room setup is the lighting. You want folks to see you and any visual aids you are using without straining them selves so lighting matters. What does good lighting look like? Well, it depends.    If you are using a data projector, you likely need to minimize sunlight and dim the lights near the screen while keeping the rest of the room well lit.   In an auditorium, you may get better results dimming the lights above the audience to focus on the stage.   If you ask your audience to do something during your presentation, you may need to bring the lights up for that activity and dim them again when it's time for you to be the focus again.   While the details will vary, the important thing is for you to make deliberate decisions about the lights during your talk to make sure they support your goals.     Post Tip Discussion: 9 Ways to Get more Speaking Time   The best way to become a better speaker is to speak more. But you don't have to just wait for opportun