2 Minute Talk Tips

Episode 088 --Thank Your Host and Tips for Speakers at During the Holidays



2-Minute Tip: Thank your Hosts   Putting together an event is a lot of work. Sometimes even putting together a short internal company meeting is a lot of work. Coordinating peoples' schedules and even finding an available conference room is way more complicated than it ought to be. So thank your host for inviting you. They took care of logistics and are giving you the audience's most valuable assets -- its time and attention.   So thank the host after the event. Send them a note letting them know you appreciate the work they've done. It may even make it more likely you'll be invited back. Everyone likes to be appreciated.   Post Tip Discussion: Tips for Speakers During the Holidays   It's the Holiday season in the US. We start with Thanksgiving on November 22 and goes through New Years Day on January 1. In the tech industry some folks would say it goes through January 11, 2019, when CES ends.   That means folks may be distracted either because they are so excited. Folks may be recharging with family and frien