2 Minute Talk Tips

Episode 101 -- Vulnerability While Speaking With Sasha Laghonh



2-Minute Tip: Seek out Vulnerability     Vulnerability can be a powerful element in your speaking. Being vulnerable doesn't mean your weak. It's about having the confidence to acknowledge how you can grow today and how you have grown in the past. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable helps the audience connect with the most human aspects of your nature.   Post Tip Discussion   A lot of us got our first exposure to public speaking in school. It's a common theme that often sets the stage for how we may approach speaking later in life.   Sasha Laghonh moved nearly every year as a little kid and each new school meant standing up and introducing herself to a new group of kids.   It's a vulnerable time for a kid, and vulnerability is a theme that runs throughout this episode. It's not about being weak, but about exposes yourself so that you can have an impact on the audience.   We cover everything from vulnerability to boundaries to 90 day plans to the importance of gratitude and forgiveness.   Bio   Sasha Laghonh ( l