2 Minute Talk Tips

Episode 109 -- Failing to Success with Amy Lyle



2-Minute Tip: Challenge the Audience to Discover Truth   Immediately challenge the audience to discover a truth about themselves that proves the premise of your talk. If the group knows that you have an appreciation or understanding of their personal (or business) situation, they will engage. As a bonus, make them laugh within the first 30 seconds.   Post Tip Discussion: Meet Amy Lyle   I always enjoy to talking to folks who follow a path similar to mine -- sales, training, speaking. The way our careers end up different despite a similar progression is fascinating and demonstrates the possibilities available to all of us. There is not one path to your destination and not one destination for a path.   Amy Lyle is one of those guests who followed a path similar to mine and has built the latest iteration of her career out of failure. Or rather, talking about failure -- her own and giving people an opportunity to share theirs. And she's funny! And compelling.   I really enjoyed hearing about the training sessions