2 Minute Talk Tips

Episode 111 -- Theater Meets Public Speaking with Julia Wojnar



2-Minute Tip: Identify Your Biggest Take Away   To deliver an effective presentation, first identify the biggest take away for the audience. If they remember only one thing, this is the thing it should be.   To figure that out, start by doing a brain dump on a piece of paper or whiteboard. Then go through all theses random ideas that are in someway related to your topic. What stands out? Which ideas are most important? What themes keep popping up?   As you do this, you'll likely discover the big idea for your talk. Once you have that, you can begin building everything else.   Post Tip Discussion: Meet Julia Wojnar   In the theater you have to know your part and how your role fits into the rest of the show. You have to know your lines and be rehearsed.   Speaking is similar. You have to know your purpose. Why are you speaking? What is your role in this meeting? What is the purpose of your talk in the larger event or conference? What are you meant to accomplish.   You have to be prepared and rehearsed to be eff