2 Minute Talk Tips

Episode 112 — Caring, Connection, and Touch with Richard Kauffman



2-Minute Tip: Caring is key   People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.   As with so many strategies for success in speaking, it often comes down to the audience. How well do you know them? How well do you connect with them?   Most importantly, do they trust you?   Try to connect with the audience and make them feel you care and are listening to them and their concerns. Once you have established that level of rapport, they are much more likely to believe you when you speak to them.   Post-Tip Discussion: Meet Richard Kauffman   I do have a content warning for this episode. We do talk about both suicide and addiction. It’s a big part of Richard’s history and the journey of recovery he’s on today.   Richard Kauffman is a member of an elite group. He joins Nursepreneur Catie Harris (Http://2minutetalktips.com/Catie and Http://Strokecast.com/Catie) as only the second guest to appear on both 2-Minute Talk Tips and Strokecast.   I originally spoke with Richard in August of 2018 in Episo