2 Minute Talk Tips

Episode 122 -- Courtroom Graphics with Kerri Ruttenberg



2-Minute Tip: Slides must help the audience, not the presenter   One reason folks audibly groan when they think about PowerPoint is that too many speakers use the slides to help them get through their presentation rather than to help the audience understand what’s happening.   We use them too often to:   Help us remember To keep our place To just generally put too much stuff on screen   Ultimately there are 3 purposes behind our visual aids   Help the audience understand Help the audience believe Help the audience remember   When it comes to improving our visuals, we need to eliminate any extraneous text, and limit ourselves to just one concept per slide.   When designing slides or other visuals ask yourself, “Who does this help more: the audience or the presenter?”   If it’s the presenter, cut it or change it.   Post Tip Discussion   Slides and visual aides are an important part of public presentations and not always in a good way. Slides dominate most stages these days, and reviewing a presentation for