2 Minute Talk Tips

Ep 132 -- Find your Story with Zack Hudson



2-Minute Tip: Know 3 Stories   While it’s helpful to have lots of stories at your disposal, there are three types that will help you in speeches, job interviews and client interactions.  They are Underdog, Authority, and Fixer.   The Underdog story is the story of where you came from. It’s the obstacles life put in your path and how you got over, around, under, or through them to get where you are today.   The Authority is the story about your expertise. How do you know what you know? Why should people listen to you? What makes you different from other folks they could be listening to right now?   The Fixer story is about what you do to help others. How can you help this audience? What will you do or what will you enable them to do?   With those three stories in your pocket you can are better prepared for any audience.   When we talk about pathos, ethos, and logos as being crucial to persuasive success, these three stories support the often neglected ethos side of the pyramid.   Post Tip Discussion: Meet Zack