F100 Nation Podcast

Grand National F100 Show & Sonny Speed!



Huge announcement www.lmctrucks.com will be the F100 Talk Title Sponsor.  Episode #25 is a double feature -  Solo sits down with Joe Carpenter of the Grand National F100 Show - held this Aug 13,14, 15th in Pigeon Forge, TN.  Devan sits down with Sonny Warner, from Sonny Speed from Twin Falls ID.  Please share the pod with anyone who you think will listen - C/mon there's gotta be at least 3 people you know that would like to listen.  Thanks Joe and Sonny for your time.  We will be back Monday August 10th, as Devan sits down with Chop Moto!! Yep @chopmoto and @motolife Stay safe  - and thanks for tuning into Truck Talk Media.