Ice Station Housman

Episode #0005 - "Know Your Snow"



This week on the show, El Nino follow-up, listener feedback questions, and winter precipitation. What is the difference between sleet and hail? What is Graupel? What exact atmospheric conditions cause freezing rain? We cover all the answers to these questions and others you might have about winter precipitation.   Show Notes! Introduction El Nino Follow-up El Niño Just Made That Mysterious Warm Blob in the Ocean Disappear Listener Feedback Follow-up - Thanks Steve Owens! The American Meteorological Society's Weather Resources Know Your Snow Winter Weather Precipitation Types Freezing Drizzle Freezing Rain Snow Sleet Hail Graupel Mixed Rain and Snow Ice Crystals Outro Music: "Looks Like Rain" by Bob Weir. [Image Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, "NASA Sees Winter Storm Slamming Eastern United States"]