Us Citizenship Podcast

Citizenship Quiz for All Saints and Day of the Dead 2016



Citizenship Quiz for All Saints and Day of the Dead 2016 pdf: All Saints & Day of the Dead are part of a 3-day festival that remembers the lives of those who passed before us. February 4 - Lorna Jorgenson Wendt What is the economic system in the United States?* (11) ▪ capitalist economy ▪ market economy February 13 - Antonin Scalia How many justices are on the Supreme Court? (39) ▪ nine (9) February 19 - Harper Lee What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?* (49) ▪ serve on a jury ▪ vote in a federal election March 6 - Nancy Reagan What is the name of the President of the United States now?* (28) ▪ Barack Obama March 27 - Mother Angelica What are two rights of everyone living in the United States? (51) ▪ freedom of expression ▪ freedom of speech ▪ freedom of assembly ▪ freedom to petition the government ▪ freedom of religion ▪ the right to bear arms Apr 30 - Daniel Berrigan  When must all men register for the Se