Us Citizenship Podcast

The Electoral College Quiz Part 2: U.S. History



Electoral College Citizenship quizzes Part 1: U.S. Civics (10 questions) mp3: pdf:   Part 2: U.S. History (15 questions) pdf:   Answers 11. The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution. 12. (Alexander) Hamilton 13. (George) Washington 14. 4 years 15. 435 16. 27 17. The Speaker of the House 18. The Civil War 19. Slavery 20. (Franklin) Roosevelt 21. You don’t have to pay (a poll tax) to vote. 22. help with a campaign and run for office 23. resolves disputes (disagreements) 24. Obama (Jan 20, 2009-2017); Trump (Jan. 20, 2017 12:00pm EST) 25. Biden (Jan 20, 2009-2017); Pence (Jan. 20, 2017 before 12:00pm EST)