Us Citizenship Podcast

USCIS: Response to COVID-19: Closures, Cancellations, and Rescheduling 03/17/2020



In order to protect the public and the USCIS workforce, USCIS has issued a series of guidelines related to in-person services. A screencast of this podcast is available at    Milpitas Adult School, like many schools, is closed until April 3 (and may be even longer).  During the next three weeks (or perhaps longer), I will post daily Citizenship lessons (in English and Spanish) available from public sources. USCIS: Lessons Plans Preparing the Oath (list of links) (transcript of videos) uscitizenpod: Mix-and-Match U.S. Citizenship Interviews and Quizzes uscitizenpod: Mezclar y Combinar Entrevistas y Exámencitos de Ciudadanía uscitizenpod: Thirty N-400 Section Practice Interviews Based on the USCIS Application for Naturalization uscitizenpod: N-400 pdfs MilpitasChat: ESL COVID-19 Resources YouTube: uscitzenpod channel new: Shape the Future: Filing Out the 2020 Census new: Thuan Thi Dieu Vo's