Practical Curiosity: The Guide To Life, Love And Travel

The Toilet Paper Exercise



The Toilet Paper Exercise is a somewhat unorthodox thought exercise that serves as a powerful (and some would say comical) illustration of how important it is to take a critical approach to things you likely take for granted. This exercise has far-reaching implications for all aspects of your life, from general business and life satisfaction to your romantic relationships and can serve as a powerful lens when you're traveling.  In this podcast, Alex Berger, the Author of Practical Curiosity, shares a read-through of the book. Each podcast episode corresponds to an individual section in Practical Curiosity.  Enjoying the podcast? Consider supporting the author by purchasing a copy of Practical Curiosity via your book outlet of choice in either print or ebook format. or reach out via twitter with feedback or questions: @AlexBerger About the book: Like Dim Sum for the curious mind Practical Curiosity delivers a collection of easily consumable insights into what it means to b