Practical Curiosity: The Guide To Life, Love And Travel

Success and the Tribulations of a Generalist



We live in a time where generalists - previously hailed as Renaissance Men and Women, are led to believe they're unfocused. That their sweeping curiosity and widespread interests are a lack of focus, passion, and are a fundamental failing guaranteed to undermine success. This episode debunks these myths and explores what we get wrong about generalists, paths to success, and some of the misconceptions that plague how we view generalists as a culture.  In this podcast, Alex Berger, the Author of Practical Curiosity, shares a read-through of the book. Each podcast episode corresponds to an individual section in Practical Curiosity.  Enjoying the podcast? Consider supporting the author by purchasing a copy of Practical Curiosity via your book outlet of choice in either print or ebook format. or reach out via twitter with feedback or questions: @AlexBerger About the book: Like Dim Sum for the curious mind Practical Curiosity delivers a collection of easily consumable insights