Facing Life

#80: The Year of Thank You with John "Izzy" Israel



''What you appreciate, appreciates.'' - John Israel What would happen if you decided to express a higher level of gratitude for the people that impact your life? And I’m not just referring to your closest friends and family. Think about the Uber driver, the grocery clerk, your children's teachers, or even your garbage man! How could acknowledging them transform your life and shape the world we all live in? Purveyor of Gratefulness, John Israel, is a writer, speaker, business owner and Founder of The Year of Thank You project. His mission is to elevate the level of gratitude on the planet… one card at a time. What does that even mean? Well, in this episode you’ll find out why my good friend John is on a mission to write 5 thank you cards a day, for 365 days and how it’s completely changing his life. In addition to John’s inspiring mission, you’ll learn how to change your emotional state of mind, how to turn resentment into gratitude, why it’s so important to receive gratitude graciously, how to express it, and