Facing Life

#102: The Road Back To You with Author Ian Cron



''You owe it to the people you love to know yourself well.'' - Ian Cron Do you ever wish you had a deeper understanding for who you are? What about a deeper love, compassion, and appreciation for others? It’s easy to fall into that trap of thinking that we know everything there is to know about something—that there’s nothing left to learn about ourselves or the people around us. From a guy who has taken pretty much every personality test you can imagine, I didn’t think there was much more to discover about myself... But I was wrong!    Today, I’m joined by Ian Cron, who is here to explain the power of the Enneagram and to talk about his latest book—The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery. Ian Cron is a popular and critically acclaimed bestselling author, Enneagram teacher, nationally recognized speaker, psychotherapist, and Episcopal priest. He draws on an array of disciplines and resources—from art, music and poetry,  psychology, Christian spirituality—to awaken others to what it means t