Facing Life

#137: Resiliency: The Power of Acceptance, Mindfulness and Growth



If you could craft your ideal dream life, what would it look like – and why?  Have you ever thought about this? Almost inevitably as we work towards creating our lives, we encounter obstacles or setbacks. How you handle these challenges can play a big role in what’s next in your life. Today, I’m talking with my friend and Front Row Factor supporter, Sean Douglas. Sean is Certified Master Resilience Trainer in the US Airforce. He is also a husband, father, Tedx speaker, and author. At one point, Sean’s life was so bad that he was abusing alcohol and on the brink of suicide, until he took steps to become resilient. In this episode, Sean shares his journey to becoming an expert at resiliency plus he provides great strategies and actionable steps that you can take right now to start developing your own resiliency.   Get access to the full show notes by visiting FrontRowFactor.com/sean-douglas