Facing Life

#141: Breaking World Records: Finding the Courage to Move Towards Your Biggest Dreams, and Inspiring Millions Along the Way



What could you achieve if you really focused your energy on it? If what you want most feels a little out of reach, or you aren’t even sure where to begin, then my next guest is sure to inspire and motivate you. On the show today, I’m speaking with my new friend, Colin O’Brady. Colin was a high school and college athlete who experienced a tragic accident. He was told he would never walk again. Despite this news, he set a goal for himself to compete in a triathlon.  And what happened next is beyond amazing! Tune in to hear about Colin’s incredible experience, the records he has broken, and about his next quest to break a world record – it’s happening right now, and YOU can be a part of it. Get access to the full show notes by visiting FrontRowFactor.com/colin-obrady