Facing Life

#146: Creating Conversations that Earn Respect, Grab Attention and Build Relationships



What does the phrase “dig a well before you're thirsty” mean to you? Many people have used this phrase, but according to my next guest, Jordan Harbinger, most people don’t expect to ever be “thirsty”. Jordan, a former Wall Street attorney and world traveller, spent many years as the host of the popular podcast, The Art of Charm. Today, he hosts his own show called The Jordan Harbinger show. Throughout his career, Jordan has always made it a priority to generously give to others without expecting anything in return. He recently discovered the power of his generosity after he had to leave his former podcast show and start over. Today, you're going to find out all about it.  Show Notes To get access to the full show notes, including links to all the resources mentioned, visit FrontRowFactor.com/jordan-harbinger-relationships