Facing Life

#154: Helping People In Crisis - A Practical Guide for Loving Others During Difficult Times



Have you ever known someone who is going through a difficult trial – and you wanted to help, but didn’t know how? According to my next guest, the last thing you should do is ask them “How can I help?” Today, I am talking to Sarah Beckman. Sarah is a speaker, writer, blogger, and founder of Salt and Clay Ministries. After walking alongside friends and family members who were facing tragedy, and experiencing her own health trials, Sarah decided to write a book on the topic. She recognized that there were many people out there who genuinely wanted to help, but they didn’t know what to do. In this episode, Sarah shares some very valuable insight into how people who are going through trials feel, and she gives us some very practical ways that we can help.   Get Today's Show Notes To get access to the full show notes, including transcript, audio and links to resources mentioned, visit FrontRowFactor.com/sarah-beckman