Ready For Takeoff - Turn Your Aviation Passion Into A Career

RFT 227: Prepare the Cabin!



In airline operations, flight crews and cabin crews are thoroughly trained on what to expect in the event of an emergency landing. There are several acronyms that are used to convey this information. NTSB: N - Nature of emergency T - Time until landing S - Signal B - Brace TEST : T - Type of Emergency E - Exits to be used in the event of evacuation S - Signal to be given by the flight deck crew to brace customers T - Time to prepare cabin NITS: N -nature of the emergency I - information to passenger & preparation T -time remaining S - Signals If the aircraft is equipped with an Evacuation Command Switch, this will be part of the briefing. After receiving the briefing from the Captain, the lead flight attendant will identify any Able Bodied Passengers (ABPs) who can assist with a potential evacuation, and may reseat and thoroughly brief APBs if time permits.