Ready For Takeoff - Turn Your Aviation Passion Into A Career

RFT 246: Aerosearcher Founders



AeroSearcher is the perfect example of a startup conceived to solve a founder’s frustrations with “the way things are.” The aviation community has always been one of the most passionate, sophisticated and adventurous communities in the world. The average person simply doesn’t hop into a metal can and fly it to 25,000 feet. Despite the typical flyer being a go-getter, make-it-happen, we’ll-figure-it-out-when-we-get-there personality, finding online info as an aviator has always been a spaghetti bowl of tangled messiness. Want to find a plane to buy and make sure you’ve seen all the options? You’d usually have to scour five, maybe even ten websites. Looking for a job in the aviation field whether it be a corporate pilot, a mechanic or a flight instructor to name a few? You’re typically going to spend several hours and visit an array of websites before you even begin to feel you’ve seen the majority of possible opportunities. Aircraft parts or aviation products? The same story: a vast number of sites and resourc