Ready For Takeoff - Turn Your Aviation Passion Into A Career

RFT 387: SOS America



SOS America (Service over Self) is a patriotic, membership organization that supports a military service program for our young adults. It will require broad public support (polling is very encouraging). Congressional legislation (previous draft legislation died in committee) and Executive Branch support are required. The plans for 2019 address all these matters. Increasingly, the high costs of the All Volunteer Force (AVF) raise legitimate questions as to shortages in many career fields and the need to have such highly qualified people in the many support roles. SOS America contends that a specialized one-year enlistment program can be of great benefit to our young adults and the nation. Designed to augment the AVF, it would have these characteristics: Its name is: The United States Military Service Corps (USMSC) It will take advantage of small unit identity and loyalty.  Volunteer recruits will enlist, train and serve together in small units. The Units (roughly 100 recruits) will be led by 6 active duty per