Ready For Takeoff - Turn Your Aviation Passion Into A Career

RFT 403: MORE Aviation Videos!



This week we continue with our offer of FREE aviation videos. Here you will find videos that will help you prepare for a career in aviation or help you prepare for your airline checkride. These normally sell for $49.95 and, once again, you can stream these for free for the duration of the pandemic. The subjects are How to Get an Airline Job Airline Interview Power Successful Simulator Training Supercharge Your Scan Turbojet Systems Made Easy B737-300 Checkride Maneuvers B727 Practice Oral B727 Checkride Maneuvers On to another subject: the topic of RACE, especially as it applies to African-Americans, is occupying the news. According to OBAP, African-Americans are 13 percent of the American population but only account for 3 percent of professional pilots. Of the approximately 200 aviation professionals interviewed on the Ready For Takeoff Podcast, 18 of my guests have been African-American. That comes out to 9 percent. It’s less than 13 percent, but a LOT more than 3 percent, and I feel really blessed to ha