Palaeo After Dark

Podcast 94 - GSA 2016; We Don't Actually Have a Fridge



It's that time of year again as James and Curt travel to Denver and see the cool, new, interesting paleo research that's going on at the Geological Society of America Meeting 2016. This year they're joined by friend of the podcast Brendan Anderson, as well as ammonoid worker Carine Kline, evolutionary biology April Wright, and a very exuberant and somewhat inebriated David Bapst. Day 1 with James and Curt: 0:00:00 - 1:17:30. Day 2 with James, Curt, Brendan, and Carine: 1:17:30- 2:47:55 Day 3 with James, Curt, and Brendan: 2:47:55-3:31:17 Day 4 with James, Curt, Brendan, April, and David: 3:31:17-5:21:35